

hareS. Olivia:

The Mission / How Great Thou Art - ThePianoGuys (Wonder of The World 2 of 7)



The Piano Guys的"新七大奇迹"系列..这个系列拍得实在是太感染人了,即使音乐再美,觉得还是应当分享视频出来比较好...比单纯听音乐更有共鸣感~

嘛~目前他们在Youtube上已出了两大奇迹. 以中国长城作为该系列的起点. 不过今天我想推的这首是在巴西基督像和伊瓜苏大瀑布拍的. 又是两首歌融合在一起创造出来的新形态..."面目全非"的改编让人在感叹其美妙的同时又总有那么一瞬间彻底忘却了原作的任何影子...这或许就是The Piano Guys最擅长的魔法吧~~

这次因为主歌部分用的是电影<The Mission>当中的曲子<Gabriel's Oboe>,跟马友友的版本比较相似,所以这次大提琴拥有着绝对主角的地位. btw,说实话这首并没有改动很夸张啦~跟之前推过的<Let it go>相比的话...噗.......╮(╯▽╰)╭

这首歌的意境也完全符合里约热内卢基督像的场景,颇有一种"神爱世人"的feel,即使博主本人并不信仰基督却也能感受到这首曲子以及演奏者想要强调的那一份温暖和希望~ 尤其是在0:54时大提琴拉上扬的那一小段高音,以及2:36的那个最高音,瞬间产生了共鸣 浑身鸡皮疙瘩都起来了,还戳中泪点想哭的节奏.

This music video is not meant to exclude anyone that does not believe in God. We hope that it instead promotes spiritual feelings that can be felt by all -- gratitude for a beautiful Earth, for life, and for joy.

A wise man once said, "If we thought of life as a gift, we might not demand nearly as much from it. And if we lived more graciously, giving of ourselves more freely to the well-being of others, many of our personal concerns would disappear, and life would become easier for all."

We respect all beliefs and opinions, but we hope that in the comments everyone can set aside religious differences and instead focus on building each other up -- through gratitude, inspiration, kindness and mutual respect. 




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